Sunday, March 4, 2012


I can't really be modest about how delicious this is gonna be for you.

Futile Devices (Shigeto Remix) - Sufjan Stevens The perfect IDM rework. It's been a long, long time since I've memorized your face.

Forest Footsteps - Kyson German export. Mastered string samples, the cello, nostalgia.

Sayso - Evy Jane Gotta love these vocals and quivering somethings. A tite Vancouver duo.

002 - nknwn Lo-fi soundscapes laced with sveeet percussion. I gotta have you baby. C'mon back with me love. It's got soul.

Can't Get Better Than This (Agyo Remix) - Parachute Youth Slowed down and sexxified. Softcore-- but still core.

Shout out to Walkin' Fish for showing this to us. It's a drunk nap track no doubt.

Oh, hey. This just came out an hour ago.

xx, amadz

1 comment:

  1. Been into Parachute Youth for a bit now and they're still sounding great! The above track is so damn good! Video clip is mad too. Loving the choice Walkin' Fish, keep up your work!!


WTF did you think!?