Wednesday, February 29, 2012


You gotta hold 'em down, girls.

Suffocation [HEALTH Remix] - Crystal Castles I've had this on repeat for 7 days straight, but no matter. If you haven't seen the newish video we posted on the FB fan page, do so here. Geez. Girl boners for weeks.

Let You - Sully This is one of those golden tracks I can't help but steal from the news feed. Whatever works.

Shockwave (Gesaffelstein Remix) - The Hacker No bullshit, just ec-sta-c. It's like a vague memory of 90s techno corroded by acid rain-- and it tastes good.

How Many Times - WULF Dope artist from Stockholm. It'll keep you going, and going, and going.

Days to Remember - WULF Happier, more female vocals, but the same, same fierceness. I can dig.

And from the Dropbox today, we have some extra sessii tunage from San Francisco-bred Cody Alan. Now based in NYC, Alan produces IDM and hip-hop and attends NYU's Clive Davis Institute of Recorded Music. Here are two collabs between himself and Wildkat. Like his page.

Slurp ya later,

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