Monday, June 20, 2011


Pumped Up Kicks (RLYNX Remix) - Foster the People Not too new but you should have it. Seriously, if you don't have this, I'll... I'll... I'll... fuck it, I don't know. Oh yeah, I'll blow up your iTunes.

Now That I'm Real (Trophy Wife Remix) - Chad Valley Kind of tropical, kind of disco, and very chillwave. Just stop reading and relax to this for a second. 

Breathe (Vocal Mix) - Cillo A soft chillstep track from the same producer who remixed Bon Iver's 'Calgary.' These female vocals really put you into a trance.

Eyes Be Closed - Washed Out Behold, two tracks from Washed Out's new album, Within and Without, which came out this very month. It's basically synthpop with ethereal male vocals that lull you into a deep, bleep trance.

Amor Fati - Washed Out Total chillwave. Plus, the title epitomizes the essence and spirit of our sleep posts. A Latin phrase meaning "love of fate," amor fati describes an attitude of blissful passiveness in which one perceives everything happening in one's life, even suffering and loss, and takes it as good. What's even weirder: I did a little extra searching, and found that in Polynesian mythology, Fati is the god of the Moon! If this isn't the ultimate sleep track, I don't fucking know what is. 

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