Sunday, June 5, 2011


Get ready, 'cus this one is bad-fucking-ass. (Oh wait, all my posts are ;)

XXXO (KAYTRADAMUS REMIX) - M.I.A. If you were even more than a little disappointed with her most recent album (which isn't so recent at all anymore), I assure you, this remix is more than enough to redeem all at fault for the letdown. Revampin' shit, whatup.

Stop The Rock (Gordon & Doyle Groove To The Dirt Bootleg Mix) - Apollo 440 This one's just fun. No, no, I'm serious. You could be completely alone in the middle of the desert, blasting this in your cheap little Apple headphones, and still have fun. Swear.

Strange Behaviour - Feed Me (feat. Tasha Baxter) There is much to say about this track, but first and foremost, it must be noted: it is lethally sexy. Feed Me is back with his new EP, To The Stars, and we're loving it.  It's certainly not the first time he tears it up with Tasha Baxter (ehm...Cloudburn; yeah, total banger). 

White Noise/Red Meat (Beatwalker Remix) - Dada Life You think Planned Parenthood has a subdivision called "Dada Life"? Jokes aside, this is hardcore electro-house remixxed to the max. They don't fuck around.

It's We (Electro Foundation Remix) - Perfect Cell & Future Frog Mellifluous in the most robotic of senses. It's transdigital,  transgressive, translucent, and I guess a above all, a transmutation. Oh and transexuals welcome to enjoy. We think your clothes (and make-up) are fun.

More Monsters and Sprites (Preview) - Skrillex "CALL 911 NOW!" Here's the preview of Skrilly's new EP, droppin' on Beatport June 7th. You guessed it-- it's combustible.

Speeding feat. Adiyam (Dodge & Fuski Remix) - Rudimental Crazy bassline and really nice female vocals which contrast nicely with that more-than-agressive drop that slaps you in the face with its metawhorical cock. (Oh, why you gotta be so graphic, Opt!mus? It's my nature.)

Girls In Love (Extended Mix) - Funky Chicos "Let's take it back to the old school." That line is repeated (over and over again) for a good reason. You better recognize. +++

You know you love me,  
O.G. Kush

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