Friday, May 27, 2011


This post will start you off with a few tracks to doze off to as you lay in bed with that special someone you love (or met a few hours ago), and then send you on your way with a more up-beat temphoe as you drive home after that awkward breakfast you should never have to relive. 

The Suburbs (Arcade Fire Cover) - Mr. Little Jeans Mr. Little Jeans is actually a Ms, and the story of how she got her pseudonym is the best part. If you're a Wes Anderson freak like myself, you know the Indian guy who does all his movies took on the character of Mr. Little Jeans in Rushmore. She claims he "makes [her] smile every time." Me too. This track is probably one of the most beautiful sounds I've heard all week. And who the fuck doesn't like Arcade fire? You know you love us. 

No Diggity (Chet Faker Cover) - Blackstreet Cover of that mid-90s classic from a Melbourne based electro artist. It's much better than in the original. Musical innovation and what can only be described as boldness at its finest. Hear for yourself.

Lammicken - Braids Probably one of my favorite tracks. It's literally ethereal. Literally. Like it uses diethyl ether as a solvent, withers away your worldly concerns, and lulls you into the preternatural realm of sleep, and DMT, and lullified, sexxified love. Oh and it kind of sounds like a Fever Ray - Animal Collective hybrid; just sayin'. 

The Whip (The Rapture Remix) - Locksley You know The Rapture. You love the rapture. You think you're cool 'cus you listen to The Rapture. Well here's your poison. Their multi-instrumentalist man, Gabriel Andruzzi, spun post-rock elements into the original, matching synths and claps to Lockley's rad rock n' roll vocals.

Get People - Away No, this isn't the misanthrope's anthem, though it can be if you're trying to get away from the chaos. Plug in your Bose headphones, tilt your head back, and get lost in this tropical indie blend.

First Snow (Ooah Remix) - Emancipator If you saw Emancipator at Coachella, you know it's for laid-back stoners with high spirits. Or not. Either way this is a great track for blazing. At least I think so (in my not-so-humble opinion ;).

Into Black - Blouse Check this up-and-coming Portland-based dream pop trio that just got signed by the Brooklyn label, Captured Tracks. Oh and check the unofficial video below, created by a troupe of Portland videographers who skillfully sampled scenes from the 1991 film Les Amands du Point-Neuf. Bonus: includes fireworks, strobe lights, and Juliette Binoche.

Blouse // Into Black from Wooden Lens on Vimeo.

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