Monday, January 31, 2011


Free Tribe (Original Mix) - Tube & Berger : Not gunna lie to you guys, but I don't listen to "sleep" music, mostly because sleep is for the weak. but from what people tell me, these sound like things you would want to listen to while trying...

Optinuum (Original Mix) - Moguai : Pretty chill mix you can let run on and on. passing out to this one cant be too bad.

The Creeps (Long Version) - Fedde Le Grand : VERY long lol like 7 minutes. I don't actually listen to the whole thing but the rhythm makes me want to nap so why not?

Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger - Deadmau5 : Great track, a remix of Daft Punk's classic.

Vanish - Datsik : One of the few, and I emphasize few, tracks that Datsik ever made that won't cause immediate death, in fact it's a cool calm adventure of bass.

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