Friday, September 7, 2012


Sleepy as fuck

Fall In Love Too Fast - GRiZ I fucking love GRiZ. I know I say that a lot but this dude is the real deal. He mixes so many styles in his music and is one of the most creative producers I've ever heard. When I  first posted some of his shit I said he plays sax in some of his tunes, which is true and so fucking awesome. And, he releases most of his stuff for free.
Click here to get his new album Mad Liberation for free. Seriously if you don't get is it is one of your biggest misstakes. Ever.

De Humo - The Dandelion War A sleepy ass tune. Fall asleep right when you get home.

Chained (Monument Remix) - The XX The XX played in my hometown a couple of days ago. I wasn't there. I regret it so bad. But, this remix is sleepy as fuck so I might just fall asleep instead of thinking about it..

I Don't Fit in - Suburban Living A catchy american tune from Suburban Living. Check them out.

Peanut Butter (Moon Boots Remix) - Alison Valentine When I hear this I just want to get home. Go straight to my bed. And just die. Mhmm love this kind of music.

Genesis (Easy Girl Remix) - Grimes You get the picture. Just go to sleep already.

I'm out.

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