Sunday, June 17, 2012


Oh fuck, I haven't posted in a while. Missed this shit.

Cara Falsa - OMBRE So this is fucking beautiful. OMBRE = Julianna Barwick and Helado Negro. Barwich plays guitar, vibraphone, synth and keyboard. For vintage Barwick, click here.

BB Bleu - Kid A A made this for her film soundtrack. She never made a film or even had real plans to do so, but so what? In my world it's tracks or it didn't happen, and this is one sweet track.

Circling - Spell Hound Darkwave//ambient electronica. Think Austra x Crystal Castles. Pretty beautiful. 

All Insid - Bondax From a Lancaster duo comprised of two dudes, a 17-yr-old and an 18-yr-old. Percussive as fuh.

Love Some1 - Holy Other Love Some1 - HOLY OTHER Witchy sleepscapes from beneath the ground.

And some more stuff by San Francisco-born, NYC-based Cody Alan. Really smart. Think Brainfeeder.

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