The thing with sleep... I don't get any of it...
Cochon Ville (Jupiter's Indian Summer Remix) - Sebastien Tellier What is more fucking important in life than finding the perfect waking up tune? Because if you don't wake up nice you wont be as hyped up for all the Fucking and Partying that we do all day, everyday! Here. Take it!!!
Tainted Jazz - Poncho Warwick This shit is perfect for those sleepless (or sleepfull) nights! It's smooth as fuck and it's like the singer seduces you thru your speakers with that amazingly sexy voice of hers. WOW!
Nocturne Bounce (Summer Nights Reprise) - trog'low Fuck eight hour of sleep everyday as we continue on that smooth theme. This one will do very good things for my chillout playlist and even better stuff for yours! Just download the bastard!
The Dream (Short Edit) - Drakblod I love dubstep. Some people don't understand what I find in this so called "noise"? What do you mean noise? It's music...
The speakers will fuck you softly AND HARD with this track.
Deep Shadow (Vocal Version) - T.T.L. Sexy ass vocals. Don't you sometimes wonder what this woman looks like? She has this voice... It's fucking amazing! Can someone give me her number?
Empathy (Spf5Ø Edit) - Chrystal Castles Who wants to have nightmares?
Caramellas (Joakim Dub) - Aeroplane It's kind of a lounge house feeling in some way! I actually like it! It has a nice and soft rhythm in it and I will be in the perfect fucking mood for this shit in a couple of hours (swedish time).
Too Long (Draft Punk Cover) - Cadillac I LOVE DRAFT PUNK! The are gods in my eyes. What do you think?
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