Thursday, February 16, 2012


Kindred - Burial Burial's brand spankin' new Kindred EP was hard to find,  but we got it for your rippin' purposes. 'Cus that's us. If you're stoned, fullscreen the video. (Note: rename it in your library yo'self.

Loner  - Burial For those week nights when you find yourself a loner, so you just blaze and pass out on your own. It happens. 

THE RXDE BLXXRD OXT  - Drake The Weeknd Jamie XX HXV New Heroes & Villains shit. Plus Drake. Plus the Weeknd. Plus suck my dick and fall asleep.

80 BPM - Dalai Lama Renaissance Delicious hook, chimes, and tinkles. BUY IT HERE.

Right And Wrong (Chopped & Screwed) - Phaseone Probably a FUCK track but whatever. No, definitely a fuck track but I don't do fuck posts anymore and it's too low-key for most. 

xo x-oh,

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