Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Let the BASS kick

* click title to download *

Syndrome - Mikkas Party up anthem at an underground club with Absinthe running thru your wains. Shall we?

Slussen By Night (Rechord Remix) - Adventure Of Some swedish shit for you guys. If you want some smooth pop music listen to the original version. But for now, let's get mental to this remix.

Jaws - Gregori Klosman Movie soundtrack mixed into a epic banger.

Prutataa (Dada Life Remix) - Afrojack & R3hab I don't care if people think that Dada Life is turning mainstream. They are gods in my eyes and this proves it.

Hit The Floor - Royal Music Paris Dubhouseelectrostep. My new genre.

Less Go! (Porter Robinson Remix) - Spencer & Hill ft. Lil John I know that this is kind of old. But its a fucking BOMB. Also, Porter was like 16 years old when he made this. Unreal!!!

Like Crazy - Hydromega Commin' up big with this track. Strobes ON please!

Needy - Schoolboy Got good speakers? Crank the base up and put on this motherfucker!

Also, here are two new mixtapes.

Until next time,

1 comment:

  1. saw dada life friday night, they are def gods. guetta is a djing genius tho, he was unreal. Anyway im a new dj, and i gave ableton a shot and made this mix for valentines day. Please check it out and let me know what you think, and if u like it put it on the site!


WTF did you think!?