It's been a good one, so in honor of our ongoing natural talent found in supplying you grade-A sound waves, hot off the press, for 12 solid months-- we're bringing you a fat big slice of progressive delicatessen.
Gutter Glitter - Lapalux Hip hop from Essex. If you've heard the name before, it's probably from the Gwen Stefani Luxurious remix. Let's just call these sounds the by-products of a multi-purpose electro/organic sound continuum and a broken wind chime hanging in Flying Lotus' back yard.
Born To Die (AlunaGeorge Remix) - Lana Del Rey UK experimental hip hop/glitch pop was really the only way to go remixing this song right. The vocals grow more powerful, the feminine suppliance, more soulful, the underlying staccato rhythm, more watery and warbling. In 2012, quavering voices and constantly changing notes-- all of which oft lean toward the capricious-- are a good thing.
Animals (feat. Holly Miranda) (Modern Machines Remix) - CREEP This time around, the Brooklyn girls metamorphose from muses into animals. Luckily, deep house, fruitfully induced into climax by piano crescendos, is here to lend a limb.
Real Is A Feeling (Unicorn Kid Ecstasy Dream Mix) - Pictureplane Twisted house connoisseur Pictureplane is giving away several remixes, now not-so-gracefully scattered throughout the roughage. Edinburgh composer Unicorn Kid brings a borderline sea punk lemon twist to a cadence that was previously far more unvaried. Now, I'm not sipping on any ecstasy dream mix, but I'm pretty sure I see dolphins over there.
Got Me Twisted - Api Robert Redwine's own label, Coral Records Internazionale, gladly presents Api. Here, twinkly Utopian instrumentals weave through turquoise color schemes like it ain't no thang-- 'cus it isn't.
Back To Back (AlunaGeorge Remix) - Wolf Gang Experimental hip-hop's rising UK duo AlunaGeorge brings nostalgic sensuality to stale British rock. Let's just say a snare drum got the hiccups and a squeaky voiced kid who break dances on the side was there to rework it. Wait, the original's actually delicious.
You Know You Like It (Riton Rerub) - AlunaGeorge Totally hot and fun, laced with soft sirens, making this an almost-club-banger. Except we're better than clubs, so suck it.
Hit Me feat. Jimmy Edgar - Emika For some reason, this one has no sound for the first 14 seconds... if you can fix it re-upload it and comment it on this post.
Touching Transform (HOLLAGRAMZ Remix) - Pictureplane The remixers describe their sound as "mystical time travel rave through the multiverse." I think laser light beams make this track 3-D, an infinite number of times over.
Post Physical (Fire For Effect's Post Grave Remix) - Pictureplane Chicago-bred co-architect of seapunk elaborates on the original, preys on its details, slows it down 'til it's so new-age, its physicality goes from post to meta. Also check the more frenetic Little Star Dweller Remix.
These 2 are just the tits:
I Fink U Freeky - Die Antwoord This one's for all the sexy boys, fancy boys, playboys, and bad boys. Instructions: Climb up onto your very own Zef Throne, spring off the red velvet plushness, and -- boom-- plunge all the way nether. (If you detect innuendo in that, I fink u freeky, dude.)
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