G'day sleepers, fuckers, and partiers. We're Walkin' Fish. We're the new recruits from the land down under. We'll be making the odd post here now and then, bringing you some hot tunes from down here and round the globe. Just take a listen
First up this ripper new tune from Avicii and NERVO. It feels a little different to his other songs because of the very sudden drop into that massive big room synth. Its gunna be a big one.
A nice bouncy tune that still keeps Rihanna's sexy voice in its fullness and works great as a big banger to keep your set hot.
Mother Of God I love this song. Classic Empire Of The Sun vocals over a MASSIVE tune that Afrojack dropped in his set at EDC last year. I spent months trying to find this tune, and I finally stumbled across this bootleg recently.
If this song doesn't scream SUMMER ANTHEM at you, then I don't know what does, this bouncy-as-fuck tune just gets me in the mood to party every time. Instant classic.
Anna Lunoe is an Australian producer and DJ and I think in this one she hit the nail on the head with this funky house disco tune. Get around her.
I dont know how many of you have heard of Bombs Away, but they're on fire right now, with tracks in the Beatport top 10 and iTunes top 10, these guys are definitely going places. This particular track is a big bouncy tune with a little bit of dubstep flavour mixed in and some killer dirty vocals. We'll post a song by them every week.
Thats all for now,
Walkin' Fish
Fuck nice musice blog !!!! Keep going !