Tuesday, December 20, 2011



Shot Yourself In The Foot Again (Dj nErU Remix) - Skream & Example The remix that got the most votes and won the Image-Line's One Day Remix competition. Dope as dope can get.

Must Be The Feeling - NERO This is some serious funk. Legit, where the fuck did this shit come from? Major futuristic throwback, what.

Turn It Down (Nause Remix) - Kaskade Feat Rebecca & Fiona These female vocals are sexy and you're sexy. And how cute are Rebecca & Fiona?

Cracks (Sickstrophe Remix) - Freestyler This makes me really happy because even though I'm over the whole "I only listen to dubstep" phase -- long-over -- this remix allows me to sweetly reminisce, and thus, like, blow myself!

Kick Out The Epic Motherfucker - Dada Life Picture a molten metal lion roaring at the top of a mountain, and that lion has giant red boots, and they kick you in the face every time you yawn. If you find the little human chants from the video annoying, download this version too.

Ohrwurm (Original Mix) - Tommy Trash This is probably rave on acid on bars on peyote. 

Gorom Sen (Shlohmo Remix) - Robot Koch I'll end it off with this, 'cus it's weird, and one of my favorite songs, and part of 2010's Death Star Droid Remix EP, a.k.a., Project Mooncircle, a.k.a in 2012 it will be way too old to post so HERE.

And a rad new track from UpStream talent!
Deadroll (Original Mix) by Charlie Darker


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