"When I die, bury me in smoke." -B.H.
Life On The Nickel (Mansions On The Moon Remix) - Foster the People Honestly as a band they're really not that cool but the music's alright and I'm sure you guys like 'em so fuck all y'all...If anything I'm doing this to show that they're not exxxactly a one-trick-pony kinda thing (though they kinda are).
A Real Hero - College feat. Electric Youth I hope you have this already because it's from Drive and we all (even the guys) have sex with Ryan Gosling two or three times on average, per day, per capita, every day-- in our minds. (I like to pretend when I'm a bored, desensitized zombie on the subway (notably, the L-train), but that's besides the point.)
Paradise Circus - Massive Attack vs Burial Super mega, super next level dismal UK shit laced with sexy female vocals to lull you into the most wet dreams. Think of her as an aural succubus you needn't work hard to imagine (the soundscape does it for you).
An Iceberg Hurled Northward Through Clouds (Peaking Lights Vocal Remix) - Gold Panda Total dream music Fader found "psychedelically loopy" and accompanied by "tiny hands clapping." It's exactly that, plus you'll feel like the chick in the picture.
5th Ave - Gold Panda He's British and awesome and better than you, so here's more from Gold Panda. Reminds me a bit of Tycho.
Batteries May Drain - Steve Hauschildt As per a press release, the title of the album this track comes from, Tragedy & Geometry (out Nov. 14), refers to "Melpomene (Muse of Tragedy) & Polyhymnia (Muse of Geometry), or more specifically the collision/overlap of what they invoke." And I know you were all dying to know that!
Suave - Behind These Eyes One of my homies composed this. It's like chill classy-ass jazz (what my group of friends can only describe as "black as hell shit") you can relax to, but then all of a sudden, there's this insidious reverberating inkling of some primordial dubstep sound that seems to have seeped through all the acoustic improvisation.
This is brilliant so please pay for it, fucker? The assortment is by LA cassette label MJMJ (Two Michael Jordans) so BUY ALL 17 TRACKS BY A MILLION DIFFERENT ARTISTS HERE (or just toke up and listen).
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