Monday, October 31, 2011


A happy fucking Hallow's Eve from the SFP™ crew. This is your one chance to go out and bleed to death without having to wash up. To most girls, Halloween means being able to strut the sluttiest outfit possible...and still be called a slut, but at least she'll be able to (literally) mask her daddy issues and pretend like she's one of the 72 virgins. (Yeah fuck Mean Girls.) To me, Halloween means being able to go out in a huge fur coat without looking like Snoop Dogg

Fuck off,

Halloween 2011 (THE MOOGS remix) - Sanel Topaz feat, Mark Pride Archetypical Halloween soundscapes + dubstep + blood. Don't die tonight. Or do. You're welcome.

The Big Bad Wolfgang (Ken C Mash-Up) - Duck Sauce vs Wolfgang Gartner vs Michael Jackson A remix of my favorite song right now (get HERE) by some wannabe Austrian dude and a dead professional child molester.

Halloween (Figure Moombahcore Edit) - Misfits A retarded, crazy moombah-dub-electro-core infusion track that will have you foaming at the mouth. Figure actually released this one for free so say thank you! Yeah yeah shut the fuck up. It's a monster.

Happy Violence (Vocal Dub Mix) - Dada Life The same consistently sexy Dada shit you've come to expect, with some nice female vocals thrown in there to lose your mind to tonight.

Happy Violence (Uppermost Remix) - Dada Life And a more rock and roll sound to that.

4 AM (Zappaz Remix) - Kaskade "4 AM" was totally all of our anthems at some point. Admit it, you sack of shit! Here it is again, reverberated, transmuted, and Zapped!

Collapsed World (Titanoz Remix) - Solar Shock When I get fucked up, I don't get outgoing or happy or sad or nice or cool or sweet or slutty. I get belligerent. Balls-out fucking belligerent. And I plan to do it to these sounds tonight. Buh-bye, bitches.

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