Monday, October 24, 2011

A Noisey Week of Vice

pictures/words by : amadZ

       My Wednesday night consisted of going to this Vice music experience and CMJ showcase presented by Supra NYC at Santos Party House, to which I was granted entrance with a press pass secured for Fade County coverage (yeah, I write for them too). Music aside, there were free rum cocktails (courtesy of Mount Gay Rum), the standard surplus of indie-rock nerds rocking the carefully disheveled look to stare down, and never-intimidatingly large cameras surrounding me on the front line occupied by photographers who get published on Pitchfork and such shitty publications that look up to us. (Oh and if you haven't been to Santos, definitely make it a point to check it out.)

Bonuses: 2 free Billy Boy condoms at the door
Style observations: green-eyed babe in leopard print shirt, ridiculous black hats that made me think, "Who the fuck do you think you are, Theophilus London?," superfluous denim jackets, lots of hair everywhere, more denim, more hair.
Artists whose performances I merely enjoyed: Caveman, Pujol, Fildlar
Artists who made me laugh until I threw up: Main Attrakionz
Artists I got annoyed of: Inc (30 minutes of mic checks and plugging in stupid cables as a prelude to an average performance is never okay)
Biggest multitasking bossman: Matthew Iwanusa of Caveman; dude sang, played drums, rocked the tambourine, and demanded more free rum for everyone!
Artists I fell disgustingly in love with: Twin Shadow

Twin Shadow

Born in the Dominican Republic, raised in Florida, having struggled in Boston, and eventually making it in Brooklyn, Twin Shadow has gone through a lot to be named band of the week by Rolling Stone in October 2010, tour with Florence and the Machine and play at every major festival in 2011. When I first saw him in pictures, I thought the dude looked a little questionable with his funky hair and weird clothes. But upon seeing him two feet in front of my face, I came to realize that no one can get the blood rushing to my sex chakra like he can. Even the dude I was with thought he was good looking, and he's straight (no like, straight straight). 
It took his crew a while to set up but after 10 minutes, the dude was just like "Alright, fuck everything. We're just gonna start the show. How 'bout that?" 

The Fidlar dude in the middle was crazy. The last song they did was called "Cocaine," which he oh-so-gracefully performed by throwing himself on the ground and managing to simultaneously play guitar like an gallant invalid.

Main Attrakionz
Maybe it was the genre contrast or the ridiculous green rag the dude on the right kept tirelessly swatting around everywhere, but when these guys got on stage everyone started laughing like crazy. Myself included. After all the pictures, Rag Dude (who by the way was wearing Vietnamese prayer beads) legit exclaimed, "I feel like a movie star up here yo." 
But the best part was a really intense and drunk white guy at the front who knew all the inaudible lyrics and kept burying his head in his arms (pictures here and here). Honestly all I heard the techy female vocals in one of their tracks saying was, "broccoli broccoli broccoli bro bro broccoli." 



My only regret is that my initial +1 wasn't allowed in because she only had her NYU ID and so for the first half of the show I wasn't able to play "indie black guy" because I had nobody to punch. Wait, you haven't you heard? It's the new "punch buggie."

Keep on suckin!


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