Tuesday, September 13, 2011

X RATED: New Exclusive Excision Album!

Just yesterday, Excision released a groundbreaking album on Mau5trap titled X Rated featuring none other than the infamous Datsik and the likes of Downlink, Messinian, Skism, and even Savvy. Because Beatport has so strongly secured the rights to it and nobody has had the balls to buy it, only Sleep.Fuck.Party has it. Our very own DUBKING had the foresight of buying it and uploading it for the world... so here we go. 
(If you'd like to support the artists, which we always encourage you to do, please buy the album at Beatport here.)

xx, amadZ & DUBKING
X Rated Namesake.

Jaguar ft. Mr Hudson Rawr bitch rawr.

Deviance *Classic

Swerve Drive at 160 mph like it ain't no thang in a school zone to this.

SEXism Grab a Borwhore and get down to this.

Execute Kill shit like a gangster (or eugenicist) to this.

Sleepless Your permanent state, you filthy crackhead.

8 Bit Superhero Save your non-existent soul to this.

Ohhh Nooo That's what she said.

The Underground <-- Our prime export.


  1. I mean You never find an ENTIRE album of dubstep from one artist that is FULL of amazing shit but this does have some absolute bangers....imagine these in concert, not ur clown speakers ;)


WTF did you think!?