Friday, September 9, 2011


Feel It All Around - Washed Out We've posted Amor Fati and Eyes Be Closed before, and now, a third track by Washed Out. American chill wave for the rest of us. Ca-ching!

Weekend - Class Actress Some of the best Brooklyn synth pop infused with the Actress' delicious vocals. Shit's seductive and snooze-inducing all at the same time. Bring it on the weekend.

Romantic Streams (Balam Acab Remix) - SLEEP ∞ OVER A loose tune for loose people. Very dreamy and hazy. Every time Balam Acab releases something new, my ass does a little dance behind my back. Literally. 

Midnight City (Trentemøller Remix) Remix) - M83 Part of an EP M83 will have released by the end of the month, comprised entirely of Midnight City remixes. Begins quite amazingly with reverberating guitar chords. Almost too much quality to handle. This one's pretty sinister-- and that's how I like it.

Fire Dream - Patten Drunken drums and inaudible vocals. Terrible sound quality, yet it gets five-thousand and 58748354798 experimental rad points from me.  +++


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