And I'm back too, bitches. You missed me?
Yeah. You fucking did.
Yeah. You fucking did.
All There Is (Feat. Steffaloo) - Chrome Sparks Real nice, real smooth choppy vocals. Smooth and choppy at the same time? Yeah. Fuck you if you don't think that's possible. Oh and Chrome Sparks? Dude's a student at U Michigan Ann Arbor (name, Jeremy Mavin). Precociousness status.
And if you dig that, here's a bigger taste of him:
Doubt, No - Chrome Sparks
<3 & Soul - Chrome Sparks
Hours - Tycho So surreal, soft, and dreamy. More like Tych-oh! He's got a new album, Dive, coming out Nov. 15th and behold, the first single released: Hours. Lick a rainbow to this.
Adrift (Shigeto's Adrift A Dream Remix) - Tycho I like that Tycho's signed to Ghostly International. It's oh-so-apropos. 'Cus this shit is --in effect-- the soundscape of nice spectres. Hear for yourself.
Jerome (Acoustic Session) - Lykke Li New Lykke Li. Honestly, it will put you to sleep. But that's what you're reading this for, right? Chick's got a cloudy, delicious voice that I can confidently say is comprised of the same stuff as the aether.
Little Bit (Gigamesh Remix) - Lykke Li And now, a throwback for all of you who can un-douchebageddly say, "I like me some Lykke Li." This is honestly one of my favorite songs. Straight from the soulless cavity behind my D-cup chest to you. +++
Opt!mus Gr!me
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