Thursday, July 7, 2011


You're a slut. Let's be friends.

Run - The Knux ft. KiD CuDi New Kid Cudi! It's fucking ridiculous and I know you'll love it and wanna run and get on your knees and thank me and sleep fuck party all the way to my house and stalk me and marry me and and and and....


Champagne Showers (Arion Dubstep Remix) - LMFAO ft. Natalia Kills DOPE!

Selecta (Beatwalker Remix) - Afrojack & Quintino You should have this. Download it now or your tits/balls will evaporate. "But Opt!mus, Is that a threat or an invitation?" Both.

Spirits In The Material World - Derek Allen Derek is from Los Angeles. Yeah I get to call him by his first name and you don't. Sorry but I'm next level.

Fantasy (Feat. Ruckazoid) - Breakbot Sounds like everything else Breakbot touches-- it turns to gold.

Bulls! - At Dawn We Rage/Captain Panic! Yo ragers, here's the bloog-boiling track you came here for. Crack skullz to this.  +++

Opt!mus G.

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