Saturday, July 23, 2011


This could be you.

Sun of A Gun (Jacob Plant Remix) - Oh Land Listen up and remember the name: "Oh Land." Not only can this Brooklyn-based chick from Denmark (who used to dance for the Danish Royal Ballet Academy, by the way) make you say oh, but she can also make you say 'oh.' I guess what I'm trying to say is I owe my o-face to her entirely. This is what I called electropop turned dubstep. Oh, and she's kinda hot, right? +++

by Cameron Kron
Fistfucker (BeatfreaK Resmash) - Clare Maguire - Ain't Nobody vs Level 67 Whatever this means to you, it's got female vocals and it's hella' slutty. Just kidding but not really. Not at all.

Monster (DWB Remix) - DJ Russ P feat. MK Just ridiculously delocious dubstep. Female vocals. The works. It's about a girl who's "in love with a monster." Take that for sexual innuendo (innuendhoe?).

What You Need (Lemi Vice's Let's Make Luv Remix) - The Weeknd Not gonna lie, you kind of need to fast forward to the good part, but believe me it, it is good.

Behold--  the new Ultra EP by Cory Enemy and Dillon Francis!This is what they have to say about it: "Here's the free EP I did with my mentor, Cory Enemy. We were gonna get it signed to a label but there is a bunch of samples we couldn't clear so we just decided to give it away." Please and thank you!
Who The Fuck Are You - Cory Enemy & Dillon Francis

Ultra - Cory Enemy & Dillon Francis

I Love You - Cory Enemy & Dillon Francis

A little surprise with a guest star from this summer for you. Hint: this is the last video/anything he's been hired for.


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