Yoyoyo! So I took this shot below last night at Grand Central Miami. Want to see more? Click, and click, and click, and click.
Also, fun fact: there's a rock opera in production set in Hollywood in the late-80s called "Rock of Ages" with Tom Cruise, Russel Brand, and Alec Baldwin coming out and it just so happens that they are shooting some of it in 2 weeks right near Grand Central in my lovely stomping grounds, Downtown Miami. I went to the set yesterday and got some dope shots: click (fun fact: 555 is always a fake movie zip code), click, and click. Fuckyesss, my photography skills are pretty badass. Be on the lookout for these sights on the big screen, and think of Opt!mus. I know you will.
And now, for the tunes.
Earthquake - Little Boots/Fytch
Slow female vocals that get you ready for the ultimate surprise: THE DROPPPPP! Dubstep for the rest of us.
Slow female vocals that get you ready for the ultimate surprise: THE DROPPPPP! Dubstep for the rest of us.
Toot Toot (Zeds Dead Remix) - DJ Vadim & The Electric
New remix to Zeds Dead, the indiest dubstep motherfuckers in the industry. Also female vocals. You know, the Zeds modus operandi.
New remix to Zeds Dead, the indiest dubstep motherfuckers in the industry. Also female vocals. You know, the Zeds modus operandi.
All My Friends feat. Mr Wilson - Tommy Trash
Heavy electro banger with scattered female vocals that scream, "all my friends!" over and over again until you get the point: it's summer, and you cannot fathom the immensity of the fuck I do not give, and I'm gonna party all night long and all sunrise long if I fucking want to...with all my fucking friends. Get it?
Heavy electro banger with scattered female vocals that scream, "all my friends!" over and over again until you get the point: it's summer, and you cannot fathom the immensity of the fuck I do not give, and I'm gonna party all night long and all sunrise long if I fucking want to...with all my fucking friends. Get it?
Lick The Rainbow - Mord Fustang
Some trippy ass shit. Sounds like the dude was on acid.. Oh, hey. Look at how he spelled his last name. Oh, and the first too. Isn't it Ford... Wait, I guess he was on acid.
Some trippy ass shit. Sounds like the dude was on acid.. Oh, hey. Look at how he spelled his last name. Oh, and the first too. Isn't it Ford... Wait, I guess he was on acid.
Gloryhole Instrumental - Borgore
Some filthy Borgore shit to get nutty to. Newer instrumental version straight from me to you. Close your eyes and don't you dare fast forward. Don't ever underestimate him or we will cut you.
Some filthy Borgore shit to get nutty to. Newer instrumental version straight from me to you. Close your eyes and don't you dare fast forward. Don't ever underestimate him or we will cut you.
ON ! - Diplo & Douster
Ohhhhh shit it's Diplo, your favorite dinosaur (dinowhore?). This is Mad Decent, but what else did you expect? Wait... is that a sample from that Beatles track, A Day in the Life? Yes, yes it is. And yes, it's an obvious drug reference, which is why BBC banned it from broadcast when it came out in '67. You think they'd ban us? Well I'd hope so ;) +++
Ohhhhh shit it's Diplo, your favorite dinosaur (dinowhore?). This is Mad Decent, but what else did you expect? Wait... is that a sample from that Beatles track, A Day in the Life? Yes, yes it is. And yes, it's an obvious drug reference, which is why BBC banned it from broadcast when it came out in '67. You think they'd ban us? Well I'd hope so ;) +++
Pest - KnMn
Some crazy beats to finish you off. We came, we saw, we conquered. Peace!
Some crazy beats to finish you off. We came, we saw, we conquered. Peace!
And BAI sent me this so of course, I couldn't refuse. It's his boy's label. And I fucking love it.
Wide Awake (Original Mix) - Broken Circuits (Pizzulo & Mad Owl) by ItGetsYouOff
And from our DROP BOX:
Make It Rain Fake Blood by DJ Invisiboy
Thanks for posting!