Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Opt!mus G-spot. here, helpin' you get through hump day again.

Dark Fantasy (Figure Bootleg) - Kanye West This post contains 3 figure tracks, and they're fuckin' filthy. Can it get much higher? No, it really can't.

Music Is Awesome (Boys Noize Remix) - Housemeister Pelvis-bangin' electro. C'mon, it's Boys Noize, you know the drill. Can't understand what the robot's sayin', but that's chill, 'cus it ain't about dat doe.

Spotfire (Original mix) - Jacob Van Hage House. Wow, I haven't posted house in a while. Damn straight. 

Amazing (Clockwork Remix) - Valerna Anything Clockwork remixes is cracked up to be tasty. 

Aliens (Original Mix) and Retarded Shit (Calvertron Remix) by Figure. Aliens sounds a lot like "Move" by Figure and Will Bailey, and that's one of the most epic tracks with one of the most epic drops my ears have ever been graced and grazed with. It's a "supreme race" kinda thing (the dubbers' race). And as for the second track... well, the name says it all.

The Grid (The Crystal Method Remix) - Daft Punk This is ill as fuck, and quite the trip. Let's be daft, the Punk does it best. I'm so punny.

aaaaaaaaaand for some old people, a.k.a comedickkk relief.

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