Lights (Bassnecar Remix) - Ellie Goulding We've already brought you the Dream Dubstep Remix to this, now, behold the Bassnectar Remix. You're welcome.
Re-Stacks (Tomas Barfod Remix) - Bon Iver American indie folk for all your sleepin' needs, sonnn. Remixxes never hurt.
Skinny Love (Das Kapital Rerub) - Bon Iver So beautiful. If you go through life without sleeping or smoking to this (or both), you haven't really lived, have ya?
Givin' up (Don Diablo Remix) - One eskimO Pretty lyrics to a pretty fuckin' tune.
Givin' up (Don Diablo Remix) - One eskimO Pretty lyrics to a pretty fuckin' tune.
Rococo - Arcade Fire Award-winning indie rock. That is all. And is it unadulterated? You bet your ass it is.
All I Need (Radiohead Cover) - Banjo or Freakout You've definitely heard the original, and you fucking loved passing out to it, so why not explore the amp'd up ethereal version (pronounce like virgin)?
Rude Boy - Zeds Dead No, this isn't dubstep Rihanna. And if you thought it was, go home.
Bonus for cultured people: Playground Love - Air Fucking classic. Never gets old. Wait... this is on the soundtrack of The Virgin Suicides, FTW!
Love ya,
Opt!mus Gr!me
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