Thursday, January 13, 2011


Twisted Love (Original Mix) - ATB New track from a classic DJ.

Reverie (Dash Berlin Remix) - First State feat. Sarah Howells Trance trance trance...amazing new remix by Dash Berlin.

Monster (St Laurent remix) - Lady Gaga Never thought I would post a Lady Gaga song on here, but trust me just give it a chance.

Let Me Be Chill - Fedde le Grand feat. Mitch Crown and Erwin Steijlen You might have heard Fedde's track "Let Me Be Real", this is the CHILL version.

On A Good Day (Above & Beyond Acoustic Mix) - Above & Beyond This acoustic version is almost as good as the original. If you haven't heard the original then you better click this right now!!

1 comment:

  1. Monster (St Laurent remix) - Lady Gaga is absolutely amazing.


WTF did you think!?